Integrated Topic Term 3
Room 15/16 have been learning about Bees.
Our class became interested in bees when a student was stung recently . The students in the class were angry towards the bees. The National Beekeepers Association were running a competition to promote the importance of bees and we thought this would be a great opportunity for the class to learn why we need bees.
We created a video which showcases our whole inquiry, from the beginning to the end. The video shows the whole inquiry ie: what we knew at the beginning, what we wanted to find out, what we learned, and what we did about it. It shows the children’s initial anger toward bees and how this changed to them loving and respecting them at the end. We were lucky enough to have some great visiters talk to us about bees and the class even meet a real beekeeper!
The students shared the information they learnt in the Kakano assembly and then we showed our video in the whole school assembly.